Social Media Hero – Rene Jürgenson
Just a regular guy with a beard who loves dogs, pizza and social media marketing. I enjoy the challenge of connecting companies with people on social media and try my best to do so.
A blog post about the people behind social media.
Name: Rene Jürgenson
Company: Level UP
Position: Founder
Years in field: 1
What was your first social media business account you managed?
The first social media platform I managed was Kohvik Noorus. At that time I didn’t know what I was doing but it helped me develop a Photoshop skill.
In 90 characters describe social media?
Social media is today what newspapers and tv used to be – the main source of information.
If you could only use one social media platform, then what would it be?
Instagram because interacting with eachother through pictures is the fastest way to exchange information.
Proudest achievement?
I think the proudest achievement has been the decision to start my own social media marketing agency.
What was the coolest project that you have done or been a part of?
I think the coolest project has yet to come.
What world class brand would you like to manage in social media?
I think Starbucks could be a fun brand to work with. Free coffee would be a plus.
If you don’t have internet and electricity for a longer period what would you do?
I would read as many books as I can and play more basketball.
Is internet ruled by cats?
I think the internet is ruled by bloggers and social media influencers.
Who is your role model?
I find different role models from the books I read. Right now I’m reading about Elon Musk.
What is the biggest mistake you have seen on social media?
The biggest mistake I’ve seen on social media is brands who just focus on advertising and don’t provide any real value to the people.
What is the first step to become a social media hero?
The first step is to accept the fact that technology and internet is running our lives. Embrace it.
What are your suggestions for a beginner social media manager?
Do it for the people and create useful, entertaining content.
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